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Become/Disintigrate is a site-responsive ensemble work created in collaboration with the students at UCSD for FALLworks 2022. A luminous glowing hive of a dance created with 9 female movers. Congeal, Form, Dissolve, Numinous, Who will sing you to the other side? This performance is an offering for all of our Grandmothers; for the elder women in our lineage lines, known or unknown, that have woven us forward to this fragile moment in time.

UCSD Green New Deal Climate Action Rally Choreographer/Performance Organizer, created two protest/works performed at the Silent Tree on Library Walk for the Global Climate Strike on Sept. 24th 2021. 

Death of the Mother (personal dance macabre solo) Based on the depleted/decimated mother/earth: 

Consumed to death.

Resources extracted.

Sucked dry.

A wing stuck in the oil.

The pleading bones.

Only the corpse remains.

Cogs in the Wheel (group quintet work with UCSD students) The theme of this work was based on the element of water and its importance in our individual lives and ultimate sustainability of our planet. A rhythmic work based on the sound of beating of empty water jugs.

 UCSD Triton News 2021

Tracks and Traces

Tracks and Traces is a large ensemble work created on the students at UCSD for Winter Works 2018 in the Mandell Weiss Theatre.

We are born from the Song of Universe. We are stardust, ash, sand, tears, bone and breath. We are joined by the shared experience of movement. We are fellow travelers in Time Space. All continually expanding infinitely. All connected. Dancing is a method for ancestral remembrance; it is the unifying first expression that identifies us as humans. All of our ancestors danced. We are not part of nature, we are nature. Have you forgotten how to listen to the rhythm of the soul?

Are You Here?

Are you Here? is a collaborative evening length group work created with Eric Geiger for the undergraduate dancers in the UC San Diego Theatre and Dance Department Really Fall 2013. No auditions. Those that were interested and showed up were in. Everybody. Every body. Bodies. Some light, some sound, no sets, no projections. A time art of bodies moving. A geography of people in a space. An organization of us. Or do you see you? Here to dance? Here. to. dance. The work lives in being “of ” and not necessarily “about.” What if the meaning was simply how we see the dance, how we listen to the dance, how we respond viscerally to the dance? What if we noticed our breath, our heart rate, our physical or emotional state? We collect ourselves into presence and vibrate in the awareness of here. This now-ness. Being becomes body. Tracking the shapes of ourselves in space we clarify our moving aliveness. And by simply moving together, we enter into the dance. Are you here?


Arrive is a large ensemble work created in collaboration with the dancers in the UCSD Theatre and Dance Dept. for Winter Works 2012. This work is a combination of both set material and improvisational scores including text and dance; exploring the idea that movement is the destination, and that the journey is the home . . .


Absorb site-specific work created on the students in the UCSD Department of Theatre and Dance for the 50th anniversary of the campus in 2010. Absorb takes place nestled in a eucalyptus grove at the heart of campus that contains two of the public artworks from the Stuart Collection. One of the works is Terry Allen's Trees (1986) which blends into the grove, reminding people that one can acquire knowledge both through observation of nature and research (a view of the Giesel Library looms in the background).  The other is San Diego artist Robert Irwin's Two Running Violet V Forms (1983), which merges into another part of the grove, testing one's perception of space and light, an uncanny intrusion into a manmade forest. Why are we drawn to “natural” spaces? What can we learn from a sense of place and the specificity of a particular locale. Listen. Are you really listening?


Homologous a large ensemble dance theater work created on the students at UCSD for the 2008 DanceAlive! Concert in the Mandell Weiss Theater. Homologous uses Charles Darwin’s book The Origin of Species as a textual departure for choreographic exploration. This work was made collaboratively with the dancers as we interpreted Darwin’s theories of evolution, natural selection, and adaptation, through the movement of the human body.


Inertia is a multimedia contemporary ballet work inspired by images of outer space and the evolutionary forces at play in the universe. Premiered at the Mandell Weiss Theater, commissioned by UC San Diego Department of Theater and Dance for the Winter Dance Faculty Concert 2004

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